Blaupunkt has been rather alive over the accomplished few months in India, ablution a ambit of customer electronics articles that go above its archetypal ability in car audio. After ablution a new ambit of TVs and headphones, the aggregation has now broadcast its ambit to cover soundbars. The aggregation has launched two new soundbars in India, the SBW-100 and SBW-02, priced at Rs. 12,990 and Rs. 17,990 respectively. Both soundbars are 2.1 approach audio systems with abstracted active woofers forth with the capital advanced two-channel speaker.
The added affordable Blaupunkt SBW-100 is priced at Rs. 12,990, although it is currently accessible on Amazon for a discounted amount of Rs. 6,499. The soundbar has an achievement of 120W, with a primary two-channel apostle with two 2.25-inch drivers, and a subwoofer with a 6.5-inch driver. The woofer is side-firing, while the apostle is foreground firing. For connectivity, the soundbar supports auxiliary, Bluetooth, USB and optical audio, and has a committed limited control.
The Blaupunkt SBW-02 is the added big-ticket advantage priced at Rs. 17,990, although it is accessible on Amazon for a discounted amount of Rs. 7,490 appropriate now. The SBW-01 has a lower rated achievement of 100W, but has Dolby Digital HD complete tuning, able bigger audio quality. Additionally, the SBW-02 appearance HDMI with Audio Return Approach (ARC) for audio connectivity, acceptance for audio manual over HDMI while application visuals on the TV. Like the SBW-100, this soundbar aswell has a committed remote, and connectivity through auxiliary, Bluetooth, USB and optical audio.
Blaupunkt afresh launched new audio articles in India, including the Blaupunkt BTW-01 absolutely wireless earbuds, Blaupunkt BE-10 Floatz IPX7 wireless earphones and Blaupunkt EM01 account earphones. The German cast has apparent some success by capitalising on its bequest in the car audio space, area it articles a ambit of speakers, amplifiers and arch units for vehicles.
The added affordable Blaupunkt SBW-100 is priced at Rs. 12,990, although it is currently accessible on Amazon for a discounted amount of Rs. 6,499. The soundbar has an achievement of 120W, with a primary two-channel apostle with two 2.25-inch drivers, and a subwoofer with a 6.5-inch driver. The woofer is side-firing, while the apostle is foreground firing. For connectivity, the soundbar supports auxiliary, Bluetooth, USB and optical audio, and has a committed limited control.
The Blaupunkt SBW-02 is the added big-ticket advantage priced at Rs. 17,990, although it is accessible on Amazon for a discounted amount of Rs. 7,490 appropriate now. The SBW-01 has a lower rated achievement of 100W, but has Dolby Digital HD complete tuning, able bigger audio quality. Additionally, the SBW-02 appearance HDMI with Audio Return Approach (ARC) for audio connectivity, acceptance for audio manual over HDMI while application visuals on the TV. Like the SBW-100, this soundbar aswell has a committed remote, and connectivity through auxiliary, Bluetooth, USB and optical audio.
Blaupunkt afresh launched new audio articles in India, including the Blaupunkt BTW-01 absolutely wireless earbuds, Blaupunkt BE-10 Floatz IPX7 wireless earphones and Blaupunkt EM01 account earphones. The German cast has apparent some success by capitalising on its bequest in the car audio space, area it articles a ambit of speakers, amplifiers and arch units for vehicles.
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